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In Memorium


Edward Shenoo
A Fallen Legal Hero


It is with the utmost sadness that I announce the passing of our colleague, friend, and loved one: Mr. Edward G. Shenoo. 


You probably won’t find Ed’s name on the list of “Superlawers,” or find Edward G. Shenoo, Attorney At Law on U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Law Firms.”  What you will find, however, is a seemingly never-ending community of people who have been touched by this remarkable human being.  Whether it be a client who was afforded a just end to a matter of which all else turned a deaf ear to, a colleague who was empowered by steadfast and sound advice of both practical and legal nature, an opposing attorney humbled at being bested by an adversary with an inherent knack for winning as an underdog, or like myself, a young attorney given the tools for success by the ever patient and guiding hand of a mentor like none other, I state ever-confidently that Ed Shenoo will be missed.


In my 31 years on this earth, and highlighting my 4 years as a solo practice Attorney, I have never found a better father, friend, attorney or human being for that matter.  Ed was another Dad to me, who I have known most of my life, and who helped inspire me to take on the practice of law.  There will forever be a void in my life as a result of his untimely passing.


Ed’s immediate legacy is carried on by his loving wife and best friend of over forty years, Mary, his four daughters, Katie, Jackie, Nika and Alex, and his granddaughter Maryanthi.  Katie is a licensed attorney and mother of beautiful baby Maryanthi.  Jackie has made a name for herself working in movie production in L.A.,  Nika is a Scholarship U of C grad and  Licensed Social Worker in the education field,  and Alex is graduating from DePaul Law in the coming weeks and will sit for the upcoming bar.    These extraordinary women will continue to do great things upon the foundation that Ed has built.


In loving memory of Ed, I ask that each of you take a moment to better the lives of those around you.  Whether it be an extra phone call to a client to ease their frustrations about a contentious case, or scheduling a dep a couple hours early so that you can make your kid’s softball game, let’s take this opportunity to embody the inspiration of one who never stopped fighting for what is right.


I love you, Ed.



Edward Shenoon Patrick Mayerbock

Ed and Pat

Edward Shenoo, Kate Shenoo and Patrick Mayerbock

Kate Bills, Ed, and Pat

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